5 results

Communal Prayer
A worksheet to help in preparing for a celebration of the Eucharist, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.
The Important of Process
I usually learn things the hard and long way. I have sponsored many prayer services, service projects and other such activities for teenagers. Prior to the event, I am usually consumed with details. Permission slips, transportation, food, and the schedule …
A Note on Kneeling
IT WASN'T UNTIL I COULD NO LONGER kneel that I began to savor the lovely simplicity of this ancient act, and guess at its provenance, and savor its humility, and notice it not only in Mass but in many other …
A Thousand Teenagers Singing at Mass?
Every August, despite our enthusiasm to bring fresh ideas to our classrooms and curriculum, the same question lingers for us as we plan for another year of all-school liturgies: How do we get a thousand teenagers to sing at Mass? …