18 results
Catholic Mass Kid's Trivia Game Part 8 Receiving Communion
This video is a trivia game that can be used to assess children's understanding of receiving Communion at Mass.

Family Prayer before First Eucharist
These prayers will help your family focus more deeply on the celebration of First Eucharist that will take place soon. Through these prayers, you, your child, and your family will ask for guidance as you continue to grow as disciples …

A Sacred Family Meal
This worksheet guides students to make connections between the Mass and a special meal or tradition in their family.

Eucharistic Prayer Cards
This handout provides each element of the Eucharistic Prayer on a separate card for students to arrange in order.

Putting the Pieces Together
This puzzles helps students to identify and order the parts of the Liturgy of the Word.
The song/video"Remembrance," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (5:16), is good for opening prayer for any day.
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Eucharist
The video "Introduction to the Liturgy of the Eucharist," by dioceseofstpete, available on YouTube (1:50), offers an overview of material presented in the Handbook. It is especially helpful for day 1, but would be effective on any day.
Thy Word
The song/video "Thy Word," by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith, available on YouTube (3:13), is a setting of Psalm 119 with the appropriate refrain of "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" …
Open My Eyes
The song/video "Open My Eyes," by Jesse Manibusan, available on YouTube (2:54) with lyrics and as a live performance (3:05), used for prayer on day 2, invites us to be aware of the presence of God. The song is included …

Which Way Shall We Go?
This handout provides a chart for students to list activities that are best to do on Sunday and those that should be saved for other days of the week.
The Liturgy of the Word and the Lectionary
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5 by providing an overview of the Lectionary as it is used in the Liturgy of the Word.

Exploring the Lectionary
In this activity, partners read the readings for a specific feast day and identify key symbols, similarities, and differences that help make Mass more meaningful.

Lesson Plan for Lesson 16
A lesson plan for lesson 16 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. In this lesson students explore how the Holy Trinity is revealed through liturgy.
The Holy Trinity
A short video explaining the Holy Trinity and the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.
In the Name of the Father
Making the sign of the cross is a gesture that says, in shorthand, that a person is a Catholic. It appears as an icon in popular culture, and as a gesture it is scattered throughout film history, for example: movie …