7 results

Good Friday Intercessions
A handout that guides students through writing their own Good Friday intercessions.
OVERVIEW Praying for forgiveness sets us free. In this prayer the young people experience this message through a ritual of reconciliation. This strategy, which is ideal for a retreat or as a conclusion to a session on forgiveness, allows …
Lenten Justice Crosses
OVERVIEW Through this hands-on project, the young people help spread the Lenten message of conversion to justice. They also become familiar with the message of the prophet Micah and the traditional spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Suggested Time: …
Lenten Nails: A Reflection Exercise for Lent
OVERVIEW This two-part reflection exercise allows the young teens to evaluate their behaviors and attitudes and admit their faults, throughout Lent. The exercise is introduced at the beginning of Lent and concludes before Easter. Suggested Time: Approximately 10 minutes for …
Ashes to Reconciliation: A Reconciliation Prayer for Lent
OVERVIEW This prayer can be used during the first week of Lent or any time the sacrament of Reconciliation (also called the sacrament of Penance) is discussed or celebrated. Suggested Time: 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of …
The Liturgical Year
Learning Experience: The Liturgical Year (20 minutes) On a chalkboard or sheet of newsprint, draw six horizontal lines. Tell the group members that each line represents one of the Church seasons. Invite them to name the major seasons of the …