In Class Prayer Services
13 results

Guided Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament
An outline and script for a guided meditation before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. Have you explored Go Seek Find: Discover God’s Treasures yet? This one-of-a-kind sacrament prep program will help children discover how preparing for the sacraments is …
Burning in My Soul
The song/video "Burning in My Soul," by Matt Maher, available on YouTube (3:45), provides a nice connection to Pentecost and the modern listener and is appropriate for use on day 4.
Forever (Live)
The song/video "Forever (Live)," by Kari Jobe, available on YouTube (6:50) with lyrics, is a good opening prayer for day 4. The video can be shortened to 4:38.
Call It Grace
The song/video "Call It Grace," by Unspoken, available on YouTube (4:00), is appropriate for use on day 3.
Holy, Holy, Holy
The song/video "Holy, Holy, Holy," by Steven Curtis Chapman, available on YouTube (4:54), is a contemporary version of the classic hymn and can be used for prayer or meditation on day 2.
Song/video "We Delight"
The song/video “We Delight,” by Caedmon’s Call, available on YouTube (3:27), is a praise song about God’s Law. It is appropriate for use on any of the days.
Song/video "How Great Is Our God"
The song/video “How Great Is Our God,” by Chris Tomlin, available on YouTube (4:27) with lyrics, is a contemporary song that gives praise to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It would be a nice introduction to God’s greatness …

Fellow Prophets, Pray for Us
A short prayer service asking the Lord to grant us the gifts of the prophets before us.

Taize Prayer
This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can work in groups to prepare various aspects of a Taize prayer service.

Preparing a Prayer Service
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers step by step details to consider when planning a prayer service.

Preparing a Prayer Service Sample
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It is a sample for how to use another LIC resource in order to successfully plan a prayer service.
Prayers for Reflecting on Christ's Passion
Before the Movie: Loving God, You sent your only Son to show us the way. As we recall and meditate on his crucifixion, help us to recognize the gift you place before us. On the cross Christ washed clean our …
Gethsemane - Prayer Service
(15 minutes) Before the session have your students do the Reflection Exercise: My Least Answerable Questions. If you do not plan on reading the Scripture passage (Mark 14:32-42) yourself, use the break time to ask a young person to read …