May 24–30, 2020

Sunday, May 24

Saint of the Day: Saint Vincent of Lerins (d.445)

Reading 1: Acts 1:12-14

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 27:1, 4, 7-8

Reading 2: 1 Pt 4:13-16

Alleluia: Jn 14:18

Gospel: Jn 17:1-11A

Monday, May 25

Saint of the Day: Saint Bede the Venerable (672-735)

Reading 1: Acts 19:1-8

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 68:2-3Ab, 4-5Acd, 6-7Ab

Alleluia: Col 3:1

Gospel: Jn 16:29-33

Tuesday, May 26

Saint of the Day: Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595)

Reading 1: Acts 20:17-27

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 68:10-11, 20-21

Alleluia: Jn 14:16

Gospel: Jn 17:1-11A

Wednesday, May 27

Saint of the Day: Saint Augustine of Canterbury (d.605)

Reading 1: Acts 20:28-38

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 68:29-30, 33-35A, 35Bc-36Ab

Alleluia: Jn 17:17B, 17A

Gospel: Jn 17:11B-19

Thursday, May 28

Saint of the Day: Saint Bernard of Montjoux (923-1008)

Reading 1: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 16:1-2A And 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11

Alleluia: Jn 17:21

Gospel: Jn 17:20-26

Friday, May 29

Saint of the Day: Saint Ursula Ledóchowska (1865-1939)

Reading 1: Acts 25:13B-21

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20Ab

Alleluia: Jn 14:26

Gospel: Jn 21:15-19

Saturday, May 30

Saint of the Day: Saint Joan of Arc (1412-1431)

Reading 1: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 11:4, 5 And 7

Alleluia: Jn 16:7, 13

Gospel: Jn 21:20-25

May 2020

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