February 24, 2025
Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Saint of the day
Saint Montanus (d.259)
Saint Montanus was martyred along with Flavian, Julian, Lucius, Victoricus, and five other companions under the persecution of Valerian. Montanus and his fellows were disciples of Saint Cypiran of Carthage. The 10 companions did not waver in or deny their Christian faith when revolt broke out in Carthage and was blamed on the Christians. These holy men were tortured and beheaded in 259.
Spend a few minutes reflecting on what it means to be a witness for your faith. Would you have the courage to die for your faith? (Taken from “Good News Day by Day: Bible Reflections for Teens.”)
Loving God, people today are still being persecuted for their belief in you. Thank you for the witness of so many brave and noble people who gave their lives to profess their faith in you. Strengthen my courage so that I can live as you have called me to live. (Taken from “Good News Day by Day: Bible Reflections for Teens.”)
Liturgical season information
Lectionary: 341
Place in Year: Ordinary Time
Color of decorations and priest's vestments: Green
Daily readings
Reading 1: Sirach 1:1-10
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 93:1Ab, 1Cd-2, 5
Alleluia: See 2 Timothy 1:10
Gospel: Mark 9:14-29
View complete readings on USCCB.org