June 30, 2023
Friday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

Saint of the day
Saint Bertrand of Le Mans (d.623)
Saint Bertrand was the Archdeacon of Paris and worked at the city's Cathedral School. He was later appointed Bishop of Le Mans, France. Bertrand was celebrated for the generosity and kindness that he showed to the poor. He established a monastery, church, and hospice to benefit the people of his diocese. Bertrand was an ardent agriculturalist who was known for his farming abilities and outstanding vineyards, which produced high-quality wine. He was exiled when he was required to take sides in an argument, but was permanently reinstated by King Clotaire II.
Saint Bertrand's positions as archdeacon and bishop were very time-consuming, but he always found time to show generosity and compassion towards the less fortunate. He also found time to pursue other passions that helped him to grow and develop as a person. When you feel like you are too busy with school or work to spend time helping others, or to do things which will make you a better person, remember that God will help you accomplish any task.
Dear Jesus, please help me accomplish the tasks that I am assigned each day. Help me to also use my time and talents to help those who are less fortunate, and to make myself the best person that I can be.
Liturgical season information
Lectionary: 375
Place in Year: Ordinary Time
Color of decorations and priest's vestments: Green
Daily readings
Reading I: Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22
Responsorial Psalm: 128:1-2, 3, 4-5
Alleluia: Mt 8:17
Gospel: Mt 8:1-4
View complete readings on USCCB.org