January 14, 2021 

Thursday of the First Week of Ordinary Time

Saint of the day

Saint Sava (1174-1237)

Saint Sava was born a prince of Serbia. He felt called to a life outside the royal court, and became a monk at Mount Athos. His father, King Stephen I, later gave up his throne and joined Sava in the monastic lifestyle. Together, they founded the monastery at Khilandrai for Serbian monks. Sava was well known for the leniency and gentleness that he used while training young monks. Even though he was very kind, he was also very effective with his training. Sava returned home to the Serbian kingdom when a fight broke out between his brothers, Vulkan and Stephen II. When he returned to settle the dispute, he brought his fellow monks with him. They founded numerous monasteries and began to reform and educate the Serbs. Sava settled the dispute between his brothers, and through new power that was bestowed on him by Emperor Theodore II he crowned his brother Stephen II as king. He also translated many religious books into Serbian and was named the archbishop of the Serbs. Fittingly, Saint Sava is the patron saint of Serbia.


Saint Sava was well known for the kindness and gentleness that he used while training young monks. Do you act with kindness when you try to teach someone something new, or do you become frustrated and angry? Ask for the Lord's help to seek out opportunities each day to express the virtues through your actions toward others.


Come, Holy Spirit, and inspire me to live the virtues of justice, kindness, and humility. Help me see opportunities today to live out those virtues. (Taken from “Take Ten: Daily Bible Reflections for Teens”)

Liturgical season information

Lectionary: 308

Place in Year: Ordinary Time

Color of decorations and priest's vestments: Green

Daily readings

Reading I: Heb 3:7-14

Responsorial Psalm: 95:6-7C, 8-9, 10-11

Alleluia: See Mt 4:23

Gospel: Mk 1:40-45

View complete readings on USCCB.org
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