September 8, 2020 

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint of the day

Saint Adrian (d.306)

Tradition tells us that Saint Adrian was a pagan officer at the court of Nicomedia. While at court, Adrian saw a number of Christians tortured for their faith. Captivated by their extreme courage, he converted and declared himself a Christian. After converting, he suffered the same lot as the Christians that he admired. He was thrown into prison and tortured before being put to death for his faith. His wife, Natalia, consoled her husband and his fellow Christian prisoners during their excruciating pain. Saint Adrian is the patron saint against plague and epilepsy and of arms dealers, butchers, guards, and soldiers.


In addition to his exemplary courage and faith, Saint Adrian teaches us about the monumental power that actions and example have in influencing the thinking and decisions of others. Saint Adrian became a Christian not through reading or hearing fancy sermons and arguments; he became a Christian through witnessing the astounding virtue and faith of other Christians. As Jesus taught, and many saints have since reiterated, Christians are to be known by their example, by how they treat others. What kind of example do you set? Could your life lead others to Jesus? Think about the possibility that, through your actions, you could lead someone to God who, like Saint Adrian, becomes a saint!


Dear Jesus, please help me to be an example of your truth and love. Help others to see you through me.

Liturgical season information

Lectionary: 636

Place in Year: Ordinary Time

Color of decorations and priest's vestments: White

Daily readings

Reading 1: Mi 5:1-4A

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 13:6Ab, 6C

Gospel: Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 Or 1:18-23

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  7. Saturday

September 2020

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