December 20, 2019 

Friday of the Third Week of Advent

Saint of the day

Saint Dominic of Silos (1000-1073)

Saint Dominic of Silos was born into a Spanish peasant family around the year 1000. He spent a considerable amount of time in the fields as a young boy working to support his family and enjoying time alone. He felt called to become a Benedictine priest and held many leadership roles in the order. After a disagreement with King Garcia III of Navarre, who wanted part of the Benedictines' land, he and two fellow monks were exiled. While in exile, they established a new monastery that at first seemed to be in an unfavorable location. However, under Dominic's strong leadership, it became one of the most well-known monasteries in Spain. After Dominic's death, an anxious young woman made a pilgrimage to his tomb. While praying there, Dominic appeared to her and told her that she would bear another son. The woman indeed gave birth to a second son, who would grow up to become the founder of the Dominicans. Saint Dominic of Silos is the patron saint of captives, pregnant women, and shepherds.


Saint Dominic of Silos knew how to be a true Christian leader. He worked hard to support his family as a young boy, and he held many leadership positions in the Benedictine order. He also established a monastery and helped it to grow and thrive, even though the odds were against him. Do you know how to be a true Christian leader? Ask God to help you be an inspiration to others through the way you live and act.


Dear Jesus, help me to exercise true Christian leadership. Assist me in making my life one that reflects your values and inspires others to follow you. (Taken from “Take Ten: Daily Bible Reflections for Teens.”)

Liturgical season information

Lectionary: 196

Place in Year: Advent

Color of decorations and priest's vestments: Violet

Daily readings

Reading 1: Isaiah 7:10-14

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6

Gospel: Luke 1:26-38

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December 2019

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