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 August 24, 2012 

Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle

Saint of the day

Saint Bartholomew (1st century)

Saint Bartholomew is listed in the Bible as one of the Twelve Apostles. Not much is known about this saint. Some scholars believe him to be the Nathanael who is mentioned in the Gospel of John. The Apostles were tirelessly determined to bear witness to God's truth. While preaching, Saint Bartholomew was captured, flayed, and beheaded on the orders of King Astyages. He is the patron saint of may things, including butchers, tanners, and shoemakers.


Saint Bartholomew faced a gruesome and horrifying execution. In this, however, he is not alone. Many Christians throughout history faced similarly terrifying deaths. These martyrs, and their love and passion, are to remind us of the power and truth of our Christian faith. Take a moment to meditate on the sacrifice that martyrdom requires. Place yourself in a situation where martyrdom is demanded of you. Experience the full range of thoughts and emotions that this horrible demand elicits.


Dear Jesus, I thank you for the martyrs and the example they have provided. Through their lives, I can see your love for us. Please help me to know even more deeply the full extent of your love for humanity.

Liturgical season information

Lectionary: 629

Place in Year: Ordinary Time

Color of decorations and priest's vestments: Red

Daily readings

Reading 1: Revelation 21:9b-14

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18

Gospel: John 1:45-51

View complete readings on USCCB.org


Meditation for Responsorial Psalm

God's love is always connected to his compassion. To be compassionate means to put yourself in the shoes of another person so that you can truly understand that person and all he or she is going through. It implies going the extra mile for another. Apathy is the opposite of compassion; it means closing your heart to others. Compassion means reaching out to an ill person, supporting someone who is down, forgiving what seems to be unforgivable, spending time with a person who feels isolated, and embracing someone who is ostracized by others. God of compassion, enable me to walk in the shoes of another so that I can best understand how to support that person. Especially help me to do this with those who are isolated from others. (Taken from “Take Ten – Daily Bible Reflections for Teens”)

Meditation for Gospel

Angels are God's messengers. They appear often in the Bible, but only these three are named. Gabriel is the most well known, as he is the messenger who asks Mary, the young Jewish girl, to bear the Messiah. In the Scriptures each of these three has a different role: Michael protects, Gabriel announces, and Raphael guides. God's messengers are important in everyone's life. God has many ways of speaking to us, whether it is a friend telling us of a good quality or talent they see in us or a complete stranger with a message of hope and encouragement when we most need it. Heavenly Father, help me pay attention to the messengers you send to me, both those who are easily recognized and those who may not be so obvious. (Taken from “Take Ten – Daily Bible Reflections for Teens”)

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