Theological Foundations

Alternate Edition 

(1 Review)

By J.J. Mueller, SJ, PhD and et al.


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This Introductory Text Provides Students with the Concepts, Skills, and Vocabulary Necessary to Succeed in the Study of Theology

This introductory text offers a truly unique contribution to the discipline of theological studies by presenting students of any religious tradition with the foundational skills, vocabulary, and conceptual understanding they need to succeed in the study of Catholic theology.

Written by a team of award-winning teaching scholars, the book is adapted from the comprehensive text Theological Foundations: Concepts and Methods for Understanding Christian Faith. This Alternate Edition offers the full content of the ten core chapters of the parent text while providing a more concise version of the book -- minus the research coverage -- for instructors who prefer this approach.

Included are:

  • Ten chapters introducing the major sub-disciplines and concentrations of theology
  • Clear, accessible contributions, steeped in content
  • End-of-chapter pedagogical and reflection questions plus recommendations for further study
  • Unique discussions of Judaism and Islam and their relationship with Catholicism
  • A strong basis for vigorous intellectual and personal exploration of life and our relation to God
  • Flexibility that allows the instructor to assign readings in any order that fits his or her syllabus
Product Details

Copyright: Aug. 2, 2008

Format: Paperbound

Size: 7.25 x 9.125

Length: 328 pages

Weight: 1.200lbs

Item number: 7018

ISBN: 978-1-59982-008-8

ISBN-10: 1-59982-008-0

Customer Reviews

By James Hannan, Saint John's University, New York

"I used Theological Foundations for our core theology class. I enjoyed the development and presentation of the material in the text as it portrays Christianity as a vital experience, and the arrangement of the material was helpful in allowing the students to appreciate the historical and theological development of Christianity. Students especially enjoyed the easy design and flow of the material and the perceptive approach of the 'Questions about the Text and for Discussion' at the end of each chapter, as they allowed them to review the material in a logical manner. I used the questions as a framework for group participation and discussion, as well as for quizzes and exams."
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