Meaning Making

8 Values That Drive America’s Newest Generations 

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By Josh Packard, PhD

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How would you answer the question what Gen Z values?  
How would your organization answer it? 

For many of us, how we fill in that blank, consciously or subconsciously, will determine our work and relationships with young people. If we get it wrong, our service to and with young people will suffer.  

Springtide Research Institute was determined to get it right, and undertook research and conversations with young people to uncover their values. Meaning Making: 8 Values That Drive America’s Newest Generations is our investigation into the values that young people, ages 13 to 25, practice and uphold.  

What motivates them in their common quest to discover, create, and express significant meaning in their lives? What are the organizations and groups they choose to engage with and be a part of? How do those organizations exhibit and express those values? 

The values young people articulated are explored in this book. Each chapter focuses on a different value: Accountable, Inclusive, Authentic, Welcoming, Impactful, Relational, Growthful, and Meaningful. 

Product Details

Copyright: July 31, 2020

Weight: 0.500lbs

Item number: 5929

ISBN: 978-1-64121-090-4

ISBN-10: 1-64121-090-7

Digital ISBN: 9781641211369

Special Feature

These eight values emerged from surveys and interviews with young people, as well as other quantitative and qualitative research involving a range of resources, both scholarly and popular. As we collected our data early in 2020 through a nationally representative survey; looked at other data sources; and uncovered the practices, people, and organizations that were attracting intense commitment from young people; we made discoveries helpful to leaders trying to shape organizations, groups, institutions, and one-on-one relationships that better serve and care for young people today. 

Featuring personal narrative from young people, as well as data, definitions, case studies, reflection questions, action items, and chapter summaries, Meaning Making is a dynamic exploration of the values that drive America’s newest generation. More importantly, it’s a guide for transforming the culture of your organization so you can attract and retain young people.  

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