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Beyond Disaffiliation: A Process for Hope-Filled Action

Guidebook and Digital documentary 

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Get insight, and form a plan. With Beyond Disaffiliation, you and your group will be guided through a planning process, empowered to form a response in your community and create new paths to accompany young people. This is an affordable way for your group to forge new paths of ministry.

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Beyond Disaffiliation Sneak Peek from Saint Mary's Press on Vimeo.

Product Details

Publisher: Saint Mary's Press in partnership with Springtide Research Institute on Religion and Young People

Copyright: Aug. 29, 2019

Format: Print Guidebook + Digital video

Weight: 0.700lbs

Item number: 5927

ISBN: 978-1-64121-082-9

ISBN-10: 1-64121-082-6

Special Feature

The 25 minute documentary unpacks the facets of religious disaffiliation, from the latest research, to the stories of actual young people’s lived experiences. Well-respected researchers like sociologist Dr. Josh Packard, theologian Dr. Elizabeth Drescher, and pastoral minister Dr. Bob McCarty will help you make sense of what is happening, but more important perhaps is that they are helping to point you toward hope in the midst of your concern. 

This rich, reflective digital documentary and guidebook, is created in collaboration with Springtide Research Institute. 

View Complete Series

Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics


Faith Talk: Having Conversations That Matter with Youth
