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Schools of Character

Faith-Inspired Public Schools in the Catholic Lasallian Tradition 

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By Michael Fehrenbach, FSC


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Many school mission statements speak about educating the whole person but too often focus on the intellectual development of students to the neglect of the other dimensions of our humanity. This work, Schools of Character, offers a blueprint for the education of the whole person; a blueprint that is rooted in more than three centuries of practical experience that crosses cultures, ethnicities, and religious traditions. Among other things, it highlights that the education of the young is best accomplished by a community of educators in dialogue with one another; that this community is in relationship with one another and with the students as individuals; and that a student’s education takes place outside the classroom as much as it does inside.

Whether teaching in educational institutions with a specific faith tradition, or private academies or public schools, this book presents an educational vision that inculcates fundamental human values so necessary to care for our common home we call Earth.

— Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, Superior General of the Christian Brothers

“Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.” —C. S. Lewis

Product Details

Copyright: Nov. 8, 2019

Weight: 0.550lbs

Item number: 5511

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