
Doing Theology with Girls 

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By Janet Claussen and Julia Ann Keller


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Seeking: Doing Theology with Girls is an introduction to theological methods and reflection, with an emphasis on actively engaging girls in making connections between their experience and the wisdom of the Scriptures and Tradition. The overriding theme of this manual is that the life experience of women brings richness and balance to the academic discipline of theology. Topics covered include images of God, Gospel feminism, women theologians, morality, sexual integrity, ecofeminism, and personal and global justice grounded in a theology of life.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 2003

Format: Paperback

Size: 8.375 x 10.75

Length: 168 pages

Weight: 1.000lbs

Item number: 3424

ISBN: 978-0-88489-698-2

ISBN-10: 0-88489-698-6

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Digging Deep