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Effective Practices for Dynamic Youth Ministry

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By Brian Singer-Towns, Dennis Kurtz, Thomas East and Ann Marie Eckert

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Are you struggling in your parish to implement a dynamic youth ministry program that truly engages young people? Effective Practices for Dynamic Youth Ministry is the result of a research collaboration between the Center for Ministry Development and Saint Mary's Press, and it outlines the proven strategies that have worked for the most successful Catholic youth ministry programs across the United States.

Each chapter includes research results on best practices for youth ministry, quotes from youth and adults, and practical ideas for implementing successful youth programs. If you are truly committed to creating a more youth-friendly parish, you'll want to read this book!

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Product Details

Copyright: April 20, 2004

Format: Paperback

Size: 6 x 9

Length: 112 pages

Weight: 0.400lbs

Item number: 3397

ISBN: 978-0-88489-806-1

ISBN-10: 0-88489-806-7

Editorial Reviews

YouthWorker Journal, May/June, 2005

Though specifically written for those working in the Catholic Church, this book provides ideas and principles that apply in all churches, East shares the result of research within the Catholic Church, but principles like "It takes a willing parish to build an effective youth ministry" and "Relationship building is essential to effective youth ministry" make it a great read for all youth workers. Quotes from students augment the findings, but the heart that motivates this resource helps bring clarity and makes the book feel easy to apply. Buy it and give it to your board members; it's very well done.
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Youth Ministry and Parents
Passing On the Faith