Core Course Appropriate for Grades Nine and Ten
The Church: Its Wisdom, Works, and Worship explores the beliefs and practices that are at the heart of Roman Catholicism. After identifying in broad strokes many of the characteristics of Catholicism, the young people focus on three major dimensions of the Church's life:
- its wisdom, that is, its central dogmas and doctrines.
- its works, that is, its vision of the moral life.
- its worship, that is, its sacramental life.
The course closes with a discussion of the dynamics of the spiritual life and challenges young people to live out their Baptism as Catholics.
Product Details
Copyright: Jan. 1, 1996
Format: Spiral
Size: 8.5 x 11
Length: 88 pages
Weight: 0.600lbs
Item number: 2421
ISBN: 978-0-88489-336-3
ISBN-10: 0-88489-336-7
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