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December 17, 2010

Jesus in the Gospels and Acts: Introducing the New Testament

Catholic Library World, March 2010 This is an introductory textbook written by David Scholz, a professor/chair of the philosophy and religious studies department at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee. Keeping in mind a religiously diverse undergraduate audience, Scholz explains issues … Read More

December 17, 2010

The Catholic Church: A Brief Popular History

Reviewed in Catholic Library World As the title might suggest, this book would make an excellent text for an introductory undergraduate course in church history, an upper level high school course, or an adult education course. It covers the entire … Read More

December 17, 2010

Using the Remote to Channel Jesus: 50 Movie Clips for Ministry

PressText "The author’s unique approach gets high school students to open up and discuss the issues that trouble the adolescent soul. Topics like acceptance, choices, faith, friendship, God’s will for us, honesty, sexuality, prayer, pregnancy, self-esteem, and social justice, to name but a few, are introduced by easily accessed clips from films rated A-I and A-II by the USCCB, and G, PG or PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America.

This is a practical tool for high school teachers of religion in all settings. Parents may also wish to use the film clips as discussion starters with their own children"

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November 1, 2010

Brian Singer-Towns Receives Youth Ministry Award

Brian Singer-Towns has been named the recipient of the National Youth Ministry Award in the Publisher/Author category. The award is sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). The National Catholic Youth Ministry Awards are biennial recognitions of … Read More

November 1, 2010

Saint Mary's Press Announces Partnership with



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