b'DISCOVER! GRADE 4 SCOPE & SEQUENCEUNIT 3: OTHERS HELP US KEEP THE COVENANT11.Good Leaders12.The Church13.A Covenant 14.The Peaceful15.We Renew Chapter Help Us KeepHelps Us Keepof Love Kingdom Our Baptismal the Covenant the Covenant PromisesCatechismBelieve Celebrate Live Live: CatholicPrayPillar Social Teaching897913 783786Catechism11421143 901913 201202 672, 73623022306 12131284References 15481551 11411142 20832195 243724422179 1241, 1253Chapterto explain that Samuel to review that the to state that loving God is to explain that the to recall that Baptism is anointed David as leaderSacrament of Baptismpart of the Old Covenant prophet Isaiah has showna new birth that makes Goals of the Israelites in the Oldbrings us into the Body us a picture of the peaceus children of God and Covenant of Christ, the Churchto identify that Jesusof the Kingdom of God members of the Churchmade loving God part ofto identify the Church to state that Baptism is athe New Covenant also to identify Jesus as the to review that Baptism and its leaders as thecovenant between God to recall that the firstking who will bring aboutmakes us part of the New community that helps usand us three commandmentsthis peaceful kingdom Covenant of Jesuskeep the New Covenantto identify each one ofare about loving Godto describe peaceful ways to discuss the meaningto state that God gives usus as an important andwe can contribute to theof the promises made certain gifts to help onenecessary part of thecoming of the Kingdomat Baptism for us by our another keep the NewBody of Christ of God godparentsCovenantScripture 1 Samuel 16:10131 Corinthians 12:1418, 27 Deuteronomy 6:49Isaiah 11:69 John 3:46(p. 390) (p. 1808) (p. 254) (p. 1106) (p. 1658)Keyanoint, obedient parish, Communionconsistency leopard, poisonous,womb, physically,Words * of Saints sacred, harmony spiritually, godparentsPeople ofSaint Louis IXSaint Francis Xavier Saint Thrse Blessed Saint PaulFaith of France of Lisieux James Millerthe Apostle LITURGICAL SEASON CHAPTERSLiturgicalOur Lady ofAll Saints Day Advent Christmas/EpiphanySeason the RosaryChapter Holy Mary,Holy Men andA King of Peace The Gifts We BringMother of God Women, Pray for UsCatechism531534 522524References 963975 946962 1095, 2612 52553021972233Chapter to recall that Mary is the mother to identify All Saints Day as the to recall Advent as the season in to identify Jesus as not only the of Jesus day on which we celebrate allwhich we await the coming ofKing of the Jews but also the Goals the saints who are in Heaven,the Savior, the Prince of Peace King of the entire world to state that Jesus gave Mary even those whose names we do to us to be our mother toonot knowto define the three comings of to explain that the men fromto identify Jesus as beingJesus: his coming as a child inthe East in the Gospel passage obedient to his parentsto recall that everyone whoBethlehem, his coming at theare also called Magi or the believes in Jesus will live foreverend of time, and his coming intoThree Kings to state that we are all called toour hearts at Christmasto state that the tradition of become saintsto identify Jesus as the kingChristmas gift-giving comes foretold by Isaiah from the gifts of the MagiScripture Luke 2:4652 John 11:25, 3841, 4344 Isaiah 11:69 Matthew 2:911(p. 1582) (p. 1680) (p. 1106) (p. 1448)KeyTemple, treasured, favor resurrection, canonization,leopard, poisonous, frankincense, myrrh,Words * intercessors sacred, Advent tangible, intangiblePeople ofOur Lady of the Rosary Saints Mary, Martha,Saint John the BaptistSaint John ChrysostomFaith and Lazarus*Bold and italicized key words indicate terms introduced and defined in The Catholic Childrens Bible.18 LEARN MORE AT'