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The Servant Leader


Aug. 14, 2009

Weekly Winner

Saint Mary's Press winner for the week of August 14, 2009!
Congratulations to Jay Cuasay!

Jay Cuasay will receive a copy of 9th Grade Survival Guide, a $14.95 value.

9th Grade Survival Guide Prepare your freshman to navigate high school life with style and grace.

On these pages, teens will find everyday situations that ninth graders face along with helpful tips on making the transition. Some of the topics covered include hazing; getting lost; dealing with disappointment; meeting new people; understanding teachers, parents, and peers.

Electronic Sampler:Look Inside: You can view an online sampler of the 9th Grade Survival Guide on the SMP Web catalog. Search for "9th Grade Survival," or use this to go to the product description,. http://www.smp.org/ItemDetail.cfm?ItemNum=3453.

9th Grade Survival Guide,
by Chris Wardwell, ISBN 978-0-88489-966-7, paper, 248 pages, $14.95 http://www.smp.org/ItemDetail.cfm?ItemNum=3453

Starting with Prayer

Start with prayer
by Javier Bravo

Take time within the first week of school to go to the chapel and pray with your students. Below is a link to a great prayer activity for all teachers. It is particularly beneficial for those who teach freshmen and who may have students that may not be used to prayer as part of their normal school day routine. My experience as a high school teacher opened my eyes to the reality that many of my students came from homes where prayer was not a common practice. It equally made me realize how important it was for me to incorporate opportunities for prayer within my class. All teachers in Catholic Schools should consider this an important part of their vocation as educators. As St. John Baptist de La Salle reminds us, "He has entrusted you especially with the care of their souls, which is what God had most at heart when he made you the guides and guardians of these young children."

Prayer Activity (.PDF)

Youth Group

Youth Group Kick-Off Rally
by Javier Bravo

August has arrived and it's "Back to School" time already. Many youth groups slow down during the summer as they keep family vacation time in mind. Take time this month, or in early September, to create a kick off rally to coincide with the beginning of the school year. This is a good time to welcome incoming freshmen to your high school youth group. Be proactive, go and meet them where they are at. Get a local sports calendar and go to a couple of games. If you can, drag Father along. If you have not been able to do this, you'll be surprised at how many teens will be glad to see you there. This will in turn become a great opportunity to invite them to the kick-off rally. The rally should have plenty of music, activities, and food. While many parishes are feeling the crunch of having to keep a budget, many people are still very kind and generous when it comes to supporting our youth so don't be afraid to ask for donations. Anyone who has worked in youth ministry can attest to how damaging cliques can be to a group. A rally gives you the opportunity to see where these could form and at the same time it provides an opportunity to challenge teens to get to know each other. It is also important to understand that many teens who would like to participate in a youth group can't because of their commitments to sports. Consider one of your youth nights to be going to a football or volleyball game as a group and then gathering at a coffee shop after for some smoothies. Just make sure you have appropriate transportation and plenty of chaperones!