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The Servant Leader


Jan. 16, 2009

Weekly Winners

Saint Mary's Press winner for the week of January 16, 2009!
Congratulations to Michael Trudnowski!

Michael Trudnowski will receive a copy of Primary Source Readings in World Religions, a $15.95 value.

Primary Source Readings in World Religions provides your students with the opportunity to read foundational texts from the major world religions. Through understanding other religions we can create an atmosphere of genuine respect and honest discussion. In doing this we can respond to the invitation Pope Benedict XVI extended to all of us when he said, "I encourage all religious groups in America to persevere in their collaboration and thus enrich public life with the spiritual values that motivate your action in the world" (from Benedict XVI; Meeting with Representatives of Other Religions).

In Primary Source Readings in World Religions you will find portions of the foundational texts and teachings of a wide variety of world religions, including

  • Islam
  • Shinto
  • Confucianism
  • Sikhism
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Taoism
  • Christianity
  • Buddhism

Look Inside: You can view an online demonstration of the Primary Source Readings in World Religions on the SMP Web catalog. Search for "primary source world religions," or use this link to go to the product description, http://www.smp.org/ItemDetail.cfm?ItemNum=1353. Then use the "look inside" button next to the cover image to see the table of contents, the introduction, selections from chapter 1, "The Catholic Church and World Religions," and the Appendix.

Primary Source Readings in World Religions, by Jeffrey Brodd
ISBN 978-0-88489-847-4, paper, 242 pages, $15.95

Also Available
Leader's Guide for Primary Source Readings in World Religions,

by Patrick Tiernan, ISBN 978-0-88489-827-6, paper, 86 pages, $16.95

World Religions

World Religions Revised for 2009!

The third edition of this highly acclaimed text continues to help young people unlock the doors to 11 of the world's major religious traditions. Updated references highlighting recent events in the history of the traditions, 50 new images, and revised chapter on Sikhism help eleventh and twelfth graders understand the people, dimensions, and religious principles of the world's major religions.

The teaching manual supports the third edition of the student textbook, providing additional background information and employing student-centered active-learning strategies. Classroom lesson plans include small-group activities, role-play situations and skits, case studies, suggestions for interviews and guest speakers, recommendations for audiovisual resources, writing activities, Internet-based activities, and research projects.

The Subcommittee on the Catechism (formerly the Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism), has judged that the text falls outside the scope of the types of materials they review for conformity to the Catechism.*

*The Subcommittee on the Catechism reviews only materials which are catechetical in nature and which teach the beliefs, practices, and doctrine of the Catholic Faith. World Religions falls outside the scope of the types of materials the Committee reviews. This text outlines the basic beliefs and practices of the major religions of the world, taking a comparative approach, as do most texts on this topic, to identify the distinctive elements of the various religions.

World Religions: A Voyage of Discovery, Third Edition
by Jeffrey Brodd, ISBN 978-0-88489-997-6, paper, 312 pages, $24.95

Teaching Manual for World Religions: A Voyage of Discovery, Third Edition
by Jonathan Yu-Phelps and Michael Wilt
ISBN 978-0-88489-998-3, spiral, 336 pages, $27.95

E-news Online
The Saint Mary's Press Weekly E-news is archived online at http://www.smp.org/E-news.cfm. You can find this week's articles, as well as past issues of the weekly e-news, by scrolling down the page to see the table of contents of each week.

Saint Mary's Press on Facebook

Saint Mary's Press Is Now on Facebook
by Steven McGlaun

Saint Mary's Press is excited to introduce our new page on Facebook. Facebook is an online social networking site where you can connect with friends, support causes, share your views, and more. The Saint Mary's Press page on Facebook is a place to meet others who use SMP resources, get up-to-date news about SMP, and post comments or questions for SMP.

If you already have an account on Facebook, log in and search for "Saint Mary's Press" to find our page and become a fan. If you haven't used Facebook before, now you have a great reason to sign up!


Prayer for Our New Administration
by Brian Singer-Towns

This Sunday, January 20, Barack Obama will become the 44th president of the United States. In the coming week, let's follow the exhortation in First Timothy: "I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity" (2:1-2).

    Lord God, please guide our elected officials to embrace their responsibility to be instruments of your justice, mercy, and compassion. Inspire them to protect all life, from womb to tomb. Give them the wisdom and courage to create a just economy, embodying the principles of Catholic social teaching. Help them create international relations that respect cultural differences and promote dialogue and nonviolence. Most importantly, help them understand that they have no power, except that it comes from you and you alone. Amen.

Gift Pick

New Gifts from the SMP Gift Boutique

This 2009 Gift Boutique catalog includes more than 15 new gifts for young people, chosen with the help of teens themselves! Some of our favorites include the prayerful Pocket Labyrinth, the beautiful Languages of Life Bracelet, the courageous Shield of Faith Necklace, and the Blessed Sea Bean, which encourages everyone to "Plant Seeds of Faith." See all the gifts that touch the hearts of teens at http://gifts.smp.org!

Did you know you can combine Saint Mary's Press books with gift items in one order and pay one shipping and handling fee? So go ahead, add a copy of The Catholic Youth Bible® or The Catholic Youth Prayer Book to your next Gift Boutique purchase.