Saint Mary's Press Retreat Reference Guide


Scripture-Based Retreats for Teens Ages 10-19

The Lectionary and the Liturgical Year:
How Catholics Read Scripture

    A Weekend Retreat for Older Adolescents
Angels Among Us!
    An Overnight Retreat for Young
Scripture Storytelling
    A One-Day Retreat for Older Adolescents
What’s This Book All About?
Exploring the Bible

    A One-Day Retreat for Young Adolescents
What Does That Mean?
A Look into the Parables of Jesus

    A Half-Day Retreat for Older Adolescents
The Book of Jonah
    A Half-Day Retreat for Young Adolescents


Youth Retreats for Any Schedule

Retreat 1: What is Your Net Worth? 
    A Day Retreat on Discipleship
Retreat 2: Many Colors, One God:
    A Day Retreat Celebrating Diversity
Retreat 3: It's a Miracle:
    A Weekend or Overnight Retreat
    on the Miracles of Jesus
Retreat 4: It's Cool to Be Catholic:
    An Overnight Retreat Celebrating
    Our Faith
Retreat 5: Micah 6:8:
    A Weekend Retreat on Social Justice
    A. Helpful Hints for Giving Talks
    B. Guidelines for Retreat Team Leaders
    C. Index of Activities


Getaways with God

Half-Day Retreats
    Retreat 1:Who Are You Waiting For?
    (an Advent retreat)
    Retreat 2: Parents and Teens:
    Bridging the Gap
Day-Long Retreat
    Retreat 3: A Pilgrimage Retreat
    (a Lenten retreat)
Overnight Retreat
    Retreat 4: Call and Response
    (a retreat on Discipleship and Vocation)
Weekend Retreat
    Retreat 5:Jesus Call Us
    A. Helpful Hints for Giving Talks
    B. Guidelines for Retreat Team Leaders
    C. Index of Activities


Seasonal Retreats and Prayer Services for Young Adolescents

Daylong Retreat for Advent
    Great Expectations
Prayer Service for Advent
    Creating and Praying the Advent Wreath
Daylong Retreat for Lent
    Desert Times: Jesus's and Our Own
Prayer Service for Lent
    Scriptural Stations of the Cross
Overnight Retreat for the Easter Season
    Paschal Mystery: Circle of Life,
    Cycle of Faith
Prayer Service for the Easter Season
    Baptized with Water and the Spirit
Half-Day Retreat for Ordinary Time
    Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together:
    An Overview of Liturgy
Prayer Service for Ordinary Time
    The Body of Christ
    A. Helpful Hints for Giving Talks
    B. Guidelines for Retreat Team Leaders
    C. Hospitality Crew Guidelines


One-Day Retreats for Junior High Youth

Retreat 1: Christian Community
Retreat 2:Freshman Survival
Retreat 3: Peacemaking
Retreat 4: Peer Pressure
Retreat 5: Self-Esteem
Retreat 6: Sexuality
    A. Icebreakers
    B. Guided Meditation Tips
    C. Muscle Relaxation Exercises
    D. Tips for Small-Group Facilitators


One-Day Retreats for Senior High Youth

Retreat 1: Celebrating Diversity
Retreat 2:Graduation
Retreat 3: Peacemaking
Retreat 4: Prayer and Our Relationship
    with Jesus
Retreat 5: Self-Esteem
Retreat 6: Sexuality
    A. Icebreakers
    B. Guided Meditations Tips
    C. Muscle Relaxation Exercises
    D. Tips for Small-Group Facilitators


The Covenant Retreat

How Will I Respond to Change? Trusting
    in God during times of great change
Who Do I Want to Be? Developing
    character and making moral decisions
How Will I Find Happiness? Finding
    happiness in the Kingdom of God
How Will I Find Love and Friendship?
    Finding love by loving others; obeying
    Jesus's commandment to love;
    discovering the role of community,
    Church, and the communion of saints
What Will I Take with Me? Discovering
    keyChristian values that, in a more
    specificway, unfold the commandment
    to love
What Path Will I Choose? Practicing
    discernment and discovering vocation
Which Way to the Rest of My Life?
    Synthesizing learning in a covenant

The Covenant Retreat is a one 3-day retreat, but the activities can be adapted for shorter retreats. The student book, Answering God's Call to Covenant, follows the same themes.


Retreat Ideas for Ministry with Young Teens

Let Your Light Shine: An Overnight Retreat
    on Self-Esteem
Beneath Our Masks: An Overnight Retreat
    on Being True to Oneself
Called by Name: A Confirmation Retreat
    (A Half-Day Retreat)
Following in the Footsteps of Jesus:
    A Retreat on Discipleship (A Half-Day
By His Cross and Resurrection: A Retreat
    onTriduum Themes (A Half-Day Retreat)
Let's Get Rolling: A Leadership Day
    for Young Teens
    1. Connections to the Discovering
         Program by HELP Strategy
    2. Connections to the Discovering
         Programby Discovering Course


Retreats: Deepening the Spirituality of Girls

Hollywood's Leading Ladies:
    An Overnight Retreat on Women's
    Spirituality in the Movies
The Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters:
    An Overnight Intergenerational Retreat
Sacred Journeys: A Weekend Retreat on
    Spiritual Autobiographies
A Habit of Friendship: An Overnight
    Retreat on Relationships
Changing Hearts, Minds, and Lives:
    An Overnight Retreat on Conversion
Voices and Choices: A One-Day Retreat
    on Children's Stories
The Gift of Sexuality: A One-Day Retreat
    on Sexuality


Digging Deep: Fostering the Spirituality of Young Men

A Retreat for Fathers and Sons
    Planning a Retreat
    Session One: My Boy/My Day-What a Story!
    Session Two: It's Not Easy Being a Man
    Session Three: "You've Gotta Have Friends..."
    Session Four: "What am I Supposed to Do With My Life?"
    Session Five: Saint Joseph and Jesus
    Session Six: Closing Liturgy


Click here to view all of retreat resources from Saint Mary's Press