Saint Mary's Press® Essential Quick Charts

Bible People 

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By Lee Danesco

Edited by Virginia Halbur, MA


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Saint Mary's Press® Essential Quick Chart: Bible People provides an overview of 33 key people in the Bible. From Adam and Eve in the Old Testament to Priscilla and Aquila of the New Testament, this quick chart on Bible people shows how their lives point to or radiate from Jesus, the epicenter of salvation history.

Bible people included on this quick chart:

  • Aaron
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • Adam and Eve
  • Apostles
  • David
  • Elijah and Elisha
  • Ezekiel
  • Ezra and Nehemiah
  • Hezekiah
  • Isaiah
  • Jacob
  • Jeremiah
  • Jesus
  • John the Baptist
  • Joshua
  • Josiah
  • the Maccabees
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Mary of Nazareth
  • Moses
  • Paul
  • Peter
  • Priscilla and Aquila
  • Ruth
  • Samson
  • Samuel
  • Saul
  • Solomon
Product Details

Publisher: Saint Mary's Press

Copyright: Feb. 2, 2009

Format: Laminated chart

Size: 8.5 x 11

Length: 4 insertable laminated pages

Item number: 4343

ISBN: 978-0-88489-854-2

ISBN-10: 0-88489-854-7

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